Nearly the mark of Zorro

      Weird signatures and marks on Spartan apples that I found this morning when I was walking the two Jack Russell Terriers and it makes you wonder who has been practising a strange art on them.
      In the world that is West Norfolk you have to surmise that someone has been at work with their rapier and the marks were obviously made by a young Zorro working his way through the alphabet.
      At the top a 'C' and underneath a 'W' and then by the time our swordsman reached 'Z' the name was chosen that being a much easier character to flick in with the tip of your rapier.
      Now you know.

      This evening I'm going to thoroughly check the rest of the tree to see if I can find the remainder of the alphabet crudely marking the apples and also endeavour to find the magic 'Z', the final clinching proof.
      What of the small deformed apple? That looks as if it is about to audition for the star role in the elephant man. Apple trees and apples in the movies, it could only happen in West Norfolk, meanwhile where is my medication.
